Workaround for an intermittent activation problem that fails due to an unavailable Internet connection. This is due to a bug in the Qt Network library that sometimes falsely reports an inaccessible network adapter (see:
Improved license management: no more password and username required, the activation process is more
flexible, and it can handle update of hardware or OS.
Fixed wrong architecture of Visual Studio Redistributable Package: the ZIP archive for "no-install
distribution" contained DLLs for x86-64 instead of i386.
Distribute a copy of OpenSSL binaries in order to use HTTPS protocol for communicating with the
license server.
Upgrade the Qt libraries to 4.8.7 on all platforms (release notes:
Better support for Mac OS X 10.10.
QThread: fix race when setting the eventDispatcher [QTBUG-29452]
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Qt Image Format Handling
The visual modifications are interpreted as permanent when switching the preview mode in the preview
Possible data corruption when loading the preview content when there is no previous codec selected (could
happen during internal updates of the preview content).
When initializing the content of preview window while loading a FRI file, the previewed file is not
reloaded, even though a more recent version exists on the hard drive.
Several optimizations to diminish the workload for the GUI, making the interface more responsive. It is now
possible to handle 100'000 files with decent performances on modern file systems (almost any common file
systems, except NTFS)
Ask for saving modified documents in the preview before the main window is hidden.
The command Duplicate replacement into list was opening a undesired dialog popup.
Fixed a possible crash when using JavaScript to process replacement text (rewrite the way that parallel
tasks are handled).
Fixed an issue with preferred codec not selected in situations where it should be activated.
Added Chinese translation
Added basic support for Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Warning: There are still some issues with the look
and feel which does not follow the native behavior.
Added support for Ubuntu 14.10.
Added ability to handle the product activation using the command line.
Upgrade the ICU libraries to 54.1 on Mac OS X and Windows.
Several minor bug fixes and improvements.
Added missing ICU libraries for Linux distributions (32-bit and 64-bit).
Removed official support for Mac OS X 10.6 and Mac OS X 10.7.
Removed the 32-bit distribution for Mac OS X.
Add new examples of find & replace: extract plain text from HTML documents, convert case of HTML titles
to Title Case, convert case of HTML tags to lower case, extract all URLs from HTML files, remove diacritics
within words (all accents are removed).
Update the licensing information in order to give credits to the translators.
Update copyright.
Update the list of supported platforms in the installation notes.
Upgrade the Qt libraries to 4.8.6 on all platforms: fix several crashes and bugs
Upgrade the ICU libraries to 53.1 on Mac OS X and Windows.
Upgrade the ICU libraries to 52.1 on Linux.
Added an extraction option to replacement operation.
Added two new preview modes to display only the found expressions or only the replaced expressions.
Added new integrated text transformations with common replacements like: slash to backslash, single quote to
double quote, remove diacritics, replace non-word with underscore, etc.
Ability to clone and edit a replacement command from the list of replacements.
Several improvements to the preview. Better context menu on the preview tab bar. Add a command Close all
tabs, but this one. Add a command Show file into File Selector. Add a command Save
all. Much more.
Ability to drag and drop files and/or file paths onto the following fields of the Files Selector:
Search in, File name filter, File path exclusion filter, Filter.
Massively improve speed for conversion of e-o-l on large files.
Improve speed for searching files, especialy when there is no (or few) filters.
Improve speed for detection of e-o-l.
The conversion of e-o-l style as well as encoding conversion are now interruptable. This useful when
handling very large files (>100 MB).
Dozens of minor performance improvements for encoding detection (reduce files I/O).
Remove or improve several polling loops when waiting for a task to be completed, or for some events to be
triggered. This improvement decreases the CPU usage during such waiting operations.
Reduce loading time of .fri files as well as startup time.
Fix a possible crash when exiting the application while the list of found files is still being constructed.
Fix a very possible crash when running a -batch-replace command from the command line (killing a
timer from another thread).
Fix a bug affecting both the detection and the conversion of the e-o-l style (in some very special
Entries of the file encoding cache became obsolete with the time going if they were never manually updated.
This bug affects the performance of the file encoding detection every time a file has been modified.
Fixes for border cases when tracking the closest matched text in the preview.
Fix a regression since v2.2.1 that causes to never write the BOM in new files created in the preview.
Moreover the BOM is also automatically updated according to selected codec (do not write BOM in non-unicode
Ensures that detection of encoding prefers the encoding given by the appropriate attribute within all kinds
of XML and HTML files over any other possible compatible encoding.
Ability to detect the encoding from the header of a Python file.
Properly detect HTML5 file header when detecting file encoding.
Properly detect XML file header when detecting file encoding on some XML files with special extensions
(e.g.: .resx, etc.).
Internal improvements in the source code for future enhancements.
Sometimes running the application from the command line fails with no file processed.
Improved support for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
Added support for Ubuntu 14.04.
Fixes for Brazilian, French and English translations.
Under Windows the executable shows a proper version number, editor name, copyright, etc.
Several minor bug fixes and improvements.
Convert all the HTML documents into HTML5.
List of supported platforms updated.
Added some precisions to licensing information.
Documentation for new features added to the user's manual.
Improve the performance of find and replace when processing large files (starting at a few MB and up to
several GB) by introducing a cache system for accessing files. This can speed up the process by 5% to more
than 100% when manipulating a file of 128 MB on a local harddrive. On a good SSD the speedup is small, but
the cache might spare the drive lifetime. When replacing over the network the speedup factor can be bigger
than 10 in some situations.
With the improvements made to reduce the harddrive accesses, the application now allows more threads to be
used for processing jobs. Until version 2.1 the number of threads was limited to 6, since the simultaneous
accesses to the harddrive affects the performances when too many working threads are involved. The
application now allows up to 12 threads for replacing in files, the detection of encoding, etc.
When using the application from the command line, there is no more thread reserved for the UI. Thus allowing
to use all available threads (max 12) and improving the performances.
Added many built-in processes that can be applied to captured texts: round or format numerical values, sort
chars, left or right justify, and much more...
Moving the cursor position within the preview now updates the index of the current match, according with the
closest one.
Fixed undesired behaviors when the list of found files is empty at launch time.
Fix a possible crash while the application is closing.
Sometimes running the application from the command line fails with no file processed.
Improvements for UNIX-like file systems: Restore file permissions on modified files after a replace
operation or an encoding conversion. Not available on NTFS (most of the time that's irrelevant,
plus NTFS permissions management is dramatically slow).
Added missing French translations.
Added support for Ubuntu 13.10.
Added support for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
Added support for Windows 8.1.
Update some chapters in the user's guide.
Update the list of supported platforms in the instalation guide.
Update the list of known issues in the readme file.
When replacing within a file that contains a BOM, the BOM was lost in the modified file.
Fix a bug when replacing text within a large text file that requires chunks reading when the file uses a BOM
(the replaced file contained a few extra bytes depending on the BOM size).
Fix the tool tip of the field Search in: the HTML was malformed under some circumstances. Improve
that tool tip in case of invalid path.
The preference Maximum length of matched expressions was not saved within the FRI documents. It was
not reset when creating a new document.
Update some chapters in the user's guide.
Update the EULA distributed with the Linux versions.
Add the Microsoft Visual C runtime DLLs to the no-install distribution for Windows (no need anymore
to install them separately when MSVS is not installed).
Fix the version details shown in the About... dialog in the no-install distribution for
Do not show several messages asking to reload the documents in the preview while that a sequence of
replacements operations is running.
Fix a bad initialization of some commands when the list of Found files is empty.
Fix several old URLs within the the user's manual and the distribution documents.
Minor additions and fixes to the following documents: readme.html, install.html, licensing-information.html.
Minor update of the End User License Agreement.
Introduce a no-installer version for Windows.
From now on, the no-installer distributions for Windows and Linux use the local settings
features introduced in version 2.1.0. This automatically turns those distributions into portable
distributions (e.g: can be installed on a USB key without interfering with the file system of the host).
Upgrade the Qt libraries to 4.8.5 on all platforms: fix several crashes and bugs including a
possible freeze of Find & Replace It!
Ability to use local configuration files (activation data, encoding cache, software preferences) instead of
configuration files located on the default folder for the host platform.
Ability to use environment variables within the File name filter field. Improvements of tooltips
showing content of environment variables.
Added new preference for configuring the startup behavior.
Added new preference for the log level.
Added new preferences for managing the default settings for the Find & Replace Preferences.
The option Use preferred text encoding if no acceptable codec is detected does the opposite to what
it should (uses the preferred codec on binary files, but not on text files).
The preferred codec, used by default when detecting the encoding of a file for which no acceptable codec was
found, is not anymore cached. Thus, running a detection with a new preferred codec, updates the default
codec used on such a file.
Upgrade the Qt libraries to 4.8.4 on all platforms: fix several crashes and bugs
Upgrade the ICU libraries to 50.1.2 on Mac OS X and Windows
Fix a regression (since v2.0.4) that might lead to not find the expression searched when the option Use
preferred text encoding if no acceptable codec is detected is active.
Fix a bug when opening a file from the Output window when the URL contains a ?.
Behavioral change: the option Use preferred text encoding if no acceptable codec is detected does
not force the preferred codec anymore for binary files.
Minor improvements.
Update copyrights.
Document the behavioral change regarding the option Use preferred text encoding if no acceptable codec
is detected.
Upgrade the Qt libraries to 4.8.3 on all platforms: fix several, possible crashes and updates WebKit
to version 2.2.3 (
The contents of cells in the Replace Command List table was unnecessarily escaped. Same for
Fix for untranslated expression syntax in the table of path filters.
Fix for ampersand (&) not properly escaped in window titles on some platforms.
Update several references to external documentation, trademarks, copyright and licensing information.
Minor update of the EULA.
Several minor adjustments into the install notes.
Add support for 32-bit Intel-based Mac.
Add support for Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
Add support for Windows 8.
Reduced the size of the installer and the application on all platforms.
Upgrade the Qt libraries from 4.8.1 to 4.8.2 (on Windows and Mac OS X only): fix
a few potential crashes and updates WebKit to version 2.2.2
Fix a crash when deleting the progress bar in the Replace Command List (occurs when hiding/showing
the window since we upgraded to Qt 4.8).
The main progress bar in the Replace Command List was not removed when a batch-replace operation
was stopped on the last command.
Introduce a behavioral change in the provided JavaScript context: from now on, all numerical and
string properties are of type Numeric, respectively String in the script. Therefore, there
is no need anymore to append toString() in expressions such as replaceCommand.captureText.toString().
This change should not break any existing scripts. However, it will allow some simplifications in existing
Several optimizations in JavaScript management that speed up replacement operations that use JavaScript
up to 35% on files containing hundreds of thousands of strings to transform.
Make the log more verbose when using the application in command line.
Fix two harmless errors when determining the appropriate number of threads to use.
Under some circumstances, we could try to start a command from the shell while the FRI document
containing the command definition is still loading (ends up with zero files to process and zero found or
replaced strings).
Fix documentation and examples regarding the behavioral change in the provided JavaScript context
(see above).
Windows Installer: Add missing Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) to the
installer (Find & Replace It! fails to start if you don't have it installed on your computer).
Fix two possible divide by zero exceptions when searching/replacing expression in an empty string.
Ready for Mac App Store distribution (again).
Update the Qt libraries from 4.7.4 to 4.8.1: important speed improvement of GUI on Mac OS
X, new version of Webkit for HTML preview, fix compatibility issue regarding Mac App
Store requirements.
Update ICU library to on all platforms
Add support for Ubuntu 12.04 which is the new reference platform for Linux distributions.
Extend size range for expression to search in preferences: allows a much smaller size of cache for
processing search and replace (critical performance improvement when replacing millions of very small
strings). The default cache size has been reduced from 5 millions of chars to 100 k.
When switching from a valid path to an invalid one, the list of found files was not cleared.
Add capability of using environment variables within the path to search for files by using the placeholder
Clearer message when obtaining an existing activation key.
Change units for setting the encoding cache size in preferences.
It's now possible to easily rename a replacement command: proper behavior on double-click on the
of a replacement definition in the Replace Command List, new command in the context menu,
F2 shortcut.
Add a command to edit a replacement definition in the context menu of Replace Command List.
Fix two bugs when replacing strings in files that may cause an incorrect replacement string in very
cases (very old regression that was never detected since it nearly never occurs).
Fix a bug when searching strings in large files that can cause a string match for variable length
regexps (i.e. regexps using quantifiers like + or *) that is smaller than the size given in the
Fix a bug when starting search or replace on an empty list of files: the button stayed stuck on
Stop (regression since v2.0).
The global progress of batch replace was not always properly initialized. The progress of each
is now reported in the last column in order to allow reading the la bel of the currently processed
The usage of the preferred codec by default now also applies to conversions of text encoding and
No more usage of preferred codec by default when finding and replacing strings if the option is not
activated. An error message is now shown in the find and replace report if we attempt to manipulate
file without knowing his encoding (previously the default encoding was used).
The Unicode paragraph separators were not replaced when converting the style of line ending.
No more windows flashing when using the command line.
Several additions to the user's guide.
Adjust paths for user settings in the installation guide.
Fix weird behavior after removing several rows at once from the list of replacement commands (bug when
opening a FRI document if the list is not empty).
Specific detection of pure ASCII contents: suggest compatible codecs on very small files (or files
containing a lot of non-alphabetic chars) even if the the statistic analysis fails to provide a match.
Fix title missing in application's title bar when opening several files one after the other.
Better behavior when a FRI document cannot be saved: display an error message, the modification
flag and the title are preserved
Better behavior when a FRI document cannot be opened: display an error message, the previous
contents is preserved
Make sure that the UI is properly initialized when loading old FRI documents.
Minor enhancement of the activation window: ability to paste activation an key with spaces at start/end,
read-only fields are now shown as disabled, required fields display a prompt.
Speed up commands launch when working on a large amount of files (initialization of a search commands is
especially faster, this is also true for replacements that do not use scripting )
Restore the shortcut for zooming in and out in text areas.
Fix a very old bug of the preview when displaying Found and replaced expressions side by side,
under very specific circumstances.
Fix two memory leaks in activation manager.
Update ICU library to on Mac OS X distributions.
From now on, the activation data and the settings are going to be preserved when installing a new service
pack (e.g. when updating from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3).
Complete the documentation on using JavaScript for manipulating the replacement strings.
Fix minor errors in the advanced replacement example that demonstrates how to convert units (shipped
FRI documents + user's manual).
Workaround for a window size issue under Gnome that occurs when the main window becomes to wide to fit onto
the screen (the main window width does not increase anymore with the contents of the dropdown lists). Reduce
the height of the Output window so that it can be docked under the Files Selector on a
800px height screen.
Fix the position and size of progress bars.
Fix double '&' in some title bars under Windows and Mac.
Fix wrong initialization of the end-of-line shown in the list of found files.
New Linux distribution format that does not use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. The required ICU
libraries are now a part of the distribution to avoid compatibility issues with the version installed on the
Added support Ubuntu 11.04. Fix the broken compatibility with OpenSUSE 11.2.
Dramatic performance improvement for scripts processing.
Update of the User Manual: Minor updates and additions.
Update of the Read Me file: Minor updates.
Some translation files were missing in the Windows installation package.
Fix a bug that makes skip one replacement over two when replacing two contiguous expressions with an empty
string (the replacement had to be run twice).
Fix a bug with empty replacements that causes the insertion of "%1%2..." instead of an empty string when the
regular expression contains some captures.
Now handles the replacement of text containing %1, %2, etc. when the regexp contains capture's
Better behavior when one encounters a zero-length matching while processing the replacement. The replacement
now jumps to the next non-null matching instead of stopping.
It is now possible to escape the "%" sequences in the replacement pattern to get literal replacement instead
of captured text injection.
When opening a FRI document, the contents of the preview is now synchronized with the contents of
the file on disk if it exists.
Avoid generating a stack of question dialogs if several modifications happen from outside Find &
Replace It! on some files shown in the preview.
Added possibility to give a path for the trace file.
Update of the User Manual: Miscellaneous additions.
Update of the Read Me file: Miscellaneous additions.
Add help button to the Activation dialog window.
Add an icon/tooltip for read/write permissions onto the preview tabs.
Fix a portability issue under PPC (the distributed ICU library was built for Intel only).
Fix a regression that leads some buttons to saving files to not work anymore. The concerned buttons are
located within the Find & Replace Control Panel, the Find & Replace Preview and
the Files Selector.
Removing a file displayed in the preview was not properly handled.
Update of the User Manual: more details about charset detection, documentation on new activation system,
addition to text display formatting, miscellanous updates.
Add new examples of replacement capabilities
Add many examples of file encoding
Introduction of zero install for Mac (no more installer)
Update installation instructions for Mac OS X
Change the name of the bundle on Mac OS X
The Windows distribution now depends on the MSVC runtime and not anymore on MinGW (faster and smaller
Add documentation for customizing the installation
New charset detection: much more faster, more reliable (especially for distinguishing latin languages),
detects arabic's and cyrilic encodings, scans attributes of XML and HTML documents for charset's
The view of the list of files has been totally rewriten in order to encrease its speed. It now supports many
thousands of files without noticeable performances regression.
Add a new syntax support for strings to search for. This syntax is called Wildcard Unix. It is similar to
wildcard syntax but allows to escape special chars within a string to search for.
Add a limited support for syntax highlighting in the Find & Replace Preview. Currently,
supported languages are C/C++, C#, XML, HTML, JavaScript
Add a preferences panel
The state of many buttons is now updated depending on their availability.
Improve some english translations
Display a splashscreen while loading
Fix miscellaneous bugs making impossible to change the zoom or the font in a given text editor
Use a fixed width font by default in all plain text editors
Enhancement of some icons
Enhancement of the About dialog
Fix empty vertical headers in some tabular views
Save and restore font formatting for text editors
Add possibility to restore default font in text editors
Significant enhancement of the licence management system
New activation window / introduction of temporary activation for trial
Fix a desynchronization of the regular expressions editor when using undo/redo in the Find text
Remove the text encoding named System from the list of available codecs
Possibility to interrupt the file detection with the Escape key (or with the menu or button)
Automatically open the output window when a search operation is done
Better documentation for using the Find & Replace Preview panel
Add a chapter about installation instructions
Add a chapter about licensing information
Other minor additions
New examples of FRI documents have been added. All examples have been updated, scripts have been
documented, all examples of replacements are accompanied with test file for preview purpose.
Update of the End User License Agreement
Update of the readme file
Add a copy of the LGPL license for Qt (never embedded in any installer due to a spelling mistake)
Remove some useless dll from installer on Windows
Fix issues when opening FRI documents when the running language is set to French The type of
line-endings was not saved in FRI documents
It is now possible to reload the file in the preview with a given encoding
Open/save Find & Replace PreviewFRI document now works properly on active preview
Add a mention to the Qt license in the about dialog
Fix unexpected behaviour of the preview after closing the default tab
Add 'simple text' syntax to filters syntax (as default)
Fix crash with Flash on Windows
Fix a limitation that prevents from loading some FRI documents properly when the running language
is not English
Progress bars were not updated when the the windows were resized
New version of FRI format with miscellaneous additions
Update of the User Manual: new features, new screenshots, minor additions.
New examples of FRI documents are shipped with the software.
Readme file has been updated
Installation file has been updated
Add support for PowerPC architecture (Mac Universal Binary)
The bundle (Mac OS X) now has a proper Info.plist wich includes a vesrion number, correct
bundle identifier, document icon association for FRI documents and so on
Add new tested platforms to the installation guide (install.txt)
Making Find & Replace It! the default application for FRI documents did not work on MS
New design for Windows and Linux installers
The Regular Expression Editor now provides syntax highlighting for regular expressions. It also
highlights scopes when entering or exiting one of them with the cursor.
The Find and Replace Preview window provides a new HTML viewer.
The activation window can be properly resized on Mac OS X.
The names of encodings are ordered in a more intuitive way (case insensitive).
The About window (sheet) now has a Close button to be compliant with the GUI guidelines of Mac OS X.
The extra rows where not removed from components of type list when loading a FRI document.
The list of found files is now refreshed asynchronously when editing the search path. This prevents freezing
the GUI when entering in a big directory.
Binary files are now detected in order to heavily increase performance when detecting text encoding and
end-of-line. This prevents freezing the GUI when processing DVD images, archives and others huge files.
The software updates are now detected at startup and can be checked on demand.
Openning other files than FRI in the Find and Replace Preview editor was accidentally
disabled in release 0.5.1.
The Regular Expression Editor now handles properly undo/redo.
The Find and Replace Preview window is automatically shown when necessary.
The Find and Replace Preview window can be saved and retored through FRI files.
Numerous enhancements for making the GUI more responsive when doing intensive CPU tasks.
Miscellaneous enhancements to the GUI, including dockable Regular Expression Editor, new icons,